Monday, September 16, 2013

Lovely Mondays - Excitement and soap dishes

I was lucky enough to spend a few days back in Chicago recently as one of my latest projects was photographed for a magazine.  #feelinglucky  #staytunedfordetails

I wanted to write a note today about photographic styling.  Seriously, it took HOURS for us all to get one room just right.  Then we had to move on the next room...and the next...  And this is after the design was “complete”!  Two books or three on the cocktail table?  Can the leaning art "tilt" less on the mantle?  Why is this sconce shade slightly more ivory than the one next to it?

The most extreme example of this is when my lovely design assistant, Kelly, and I sat at Whole Foods and debated how to best use the soap dish we were going to purchase.  “Should we place the bar in the dish?  On top of the dish?  I am losing my mind so much that I forgot how to properly use a soap dish.”  For those of you who are on the edge of your seat, we used the dish on it’s own with it's hand carved cover showing and the bar of soap did not even make the final photo.  This is serious stuff. 

Moral of the story?  No home is perfect.  But it's yours so enjoy it!  I love a beautifully composed home but I love my kids jumping up and down on my sofas with excitement more.  Hopefully my clients felt like I got them 99% of the way there, if not "picture perfect".   

Here is a preview of our day...I will let you all know when to look for the story on newsstands!

If you are drooling over the sculptural bowl in this photo like I am:  it is by Michael Clement and I found it at one of my favorite shops called Decade in Charlotte, NC.  We had it custom colored for the space.  I can't wait for my trip to New Orleans next month to see more of his work!

On a personal note, I was thrilled to catch a few minutes to catch up with some of my wonderful Chicago friends at RM Champagne Bar!  I highly recommend getting to their patio before the weather in Chicago takes a turn for the worse.

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